Luther College - For providing space for this web page and for
encouraging the production of it.
Gereon Kopf - For his endless research and visions of a learning
environment on the back of a cutting edge technology.
Adam Forsyth - For his neverending help and assistance in
making this site a reality, and for putting up with requests for services on the server.
Nathan Pralle - For design, construction,
and swearing at computer systems to get this place to work.
Sangyel Sherpa - For continuing the design, construction,
and swearing at computer systems to get this place to work.
Rashmi Sahoo - For maintaining the website currently.
Academic Dean of the College, David Anderson -
For financial support and encouragement for exploring the use of new technology and
innovative teaching methods.
Dan Taylor - For countless hours of research into
histories, chronologies, and other aspects of the web page.
Daigakusan Rume - For arranging the filming and interviews at
Special thanks to Harada Roshi and the monastic community at
Hosshinji for allowing the
filming and interviews of their temple for the Virtual
Jeff Shore - For interviews and valuable information
Diane Sarafolean, Annika Voss, Amy Howell, Amy Dowd and all students that have
contributed to the sharing of their photographs for this site.
Rebecca Meier - For her research on the Buddhist glossary.
Francesca Soans - For her support
and important contribution towards the virtual temple by filming the temple in