
Curtis, David C., and R. Burnash, 1996: Inadvertent rain gauge inconsistencies and their effect on hydrologic analysis. Proceedings: 1996 California-Nevada ALERT Users Group Conference, Ventura, CA, May 15-17, 1996.

DiLuzio, M., G.L. Johnson, C. Daly, J.K. Eischeid, and J.G. Arnold, 2008: Constructing retrospective gridded daily precipitation and temperature datasets for the conterminous United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47: 475-497.

Guo, James C. Y., B. Urbonas, and K. Stewart, 2001: Rain catch under wind and vegetal cover effects. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 6, 29-33.

Sieck, Lisa C., S. Burgess, and M. Steiner, 2007: Challenges in obtaining reliable measurements of point rainfall. AGU, Water Resources Research, Vol. 43

Vasiloff, Steven V., D. J. Seo, K. Howard, J. Zhang, D. Kitzmiller, M. Mullusky, W. Krajewski, E. Brandes, R. Rabin, D. Berkowitz, H. Brooks, J. McGinley, R. Kuligowski, and B. Brown, 2007: Improving QPE and very short term QPF: an initiative for a community-wide integrated approach. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 88, Issue 12, 1899-1911.


NOAA’s NWS Warning Decision Training Branch (WDTB) Distance Learning Operations Course (DLOC)

Overview of WSR-88D system

Hydro-Estimator Products page:      

Information about satellite-derived precipitation estimator with the Hydro Estimator - VisitView lesson:

Information on precipitation climatology guidance from Parameter-elevation Regressions on an Independent Slopes Model (PRISM), see:

Excellent online training on dual-polarized, or polarimetric radar:

NWS radar climatology program, RADCLIM:

NOAA’s Flash Flood Home Page:

“Microwave Remote Sensing: Clouds, Precipitation, and Water Vapor”

More information can be found at the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).