Runoff Processes Home

COMET® Module Survey - Runoff Processes

We can't improve without your help. Please let us know what you thought of this product. Your responses will help us create more effective instruction in the future.


Please answer the items below. With drop-down boxes, click the box, then click your choice. To answer the fill-in questions, click in the upper left corner of the answer area and type your answer.  

Once you have completed the survey, click the Print Survey to Mail or Fax button below (or use the print command from your browser) to print this form. Then mail or fax the completed survey to the address/fax number at the bottom of the survey. Alternatively, if you are connected to the Internet, you can log on to the Web version of the module, take the survey, and submit it from there.

Personal Information

Name (optional):

Institution (MSC, NWS, etc.):

Phone w/ extension (optional):

E-mail (optional):

How many years of operational forecast experience do you have? 

1. How long did you spend completing the module? 

2. Did you complete this module in one session or over multiple sessions?  (e.g., did you stop and return to it at a different time, or on a different day?)

3. Did you complete this module as part of the Basic Hydrologic Sciences course, or complete it on its own?

4. Did you access the module over the Web in the Flash/HTML format or download the module for local playback?

5. In general, I liked this module and was able to easily find my way around.

6. This product's format (navigation, text, imagery, audio) is effective for learning. 

7. This module heightened my understanding of runoff processes.


8. What did you like most about this module?

9. What did you like least about this module?

10. How could this module be improved?

When you are satisfied with your responses, click Print Survey to Mail or Fax button below (or use the print command from your browser) to print this form and mail or fax the completed survey to the address/fax number below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

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Pat Parrish
Managing Instructional Designer
Phone: (303) 497-8366
FAX: (303) 497-8491

  COMET/UCAR, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 

Copyright 2006, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
All rights reserved.
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