SCI-123 Spring 2020 
Weeks 8 - 14
Tentative Schedule

Day Date Topics Assignment Due
Tu 03/31 Ch9: Atmospheric Moisture RQ9 opened 03/24
Chapter 9 Exercises: 2 - 16, even numbers
Th 04/02 Ch9: Atmospheric Moisture
Tu 04/07 Ch10:Dew, Frost, Fog and Clouds RQ10 opens at 12:30 04/17
Th 04/09 Ch10:Dew, Frost, Fog and Clouds
Tu 04/14 Ch11: Precipitation Processes RQ11 opens at 12:30 04/24
Th 04/16 Ch11: Precipitation Processes
Tu 04/21 Ch12: Atmospheric Stability Chapter 12 Exercises: 1(b), 1(c), 2(b), 2(c), 4, 5, 6 05/01
Th 04/23 Ch12: Atmospheric Stability
Tu 04/28 Ch13: Thunderstorms RQ12 opens at 12:30 05/08
Th 04/30 Ch13: Thunderstorms
Tu 05/05 Ch13: Convective Systems
Th 05/07 Ch13: Convective Systems
Tu 05/12 Ch13: Tornadoes, Lightning and Thunder RQ13 opens at 12:30 05/21
Th 05/14 Ch14: Tropical Cyclones
Finals Week