Mesoscale Meteorology
Severe Convection II: Mesoscale Convective Systems
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Convective storms appear in many forms, producing a large variety of hazardous weather and affecting areas ranging from a few square miles or kilometers to hundreds of square miles or kilometers. Isolated storms are generally classified as one of three basic types: ordinary cells, multiple cell systems, and supercells. However, groups of thunderstorms often join into larger systems, generically referred to as mesoscale convective systems (MCSs). Some of the classic MCS types include squall lines, bow echoes, and mesoscale convective complexes, each of which will be discussed individually. MCSs occur worldwide and year round. For example, this radar loop shows an isolated, damage-producing bow echo that occurred near the island of Kauai, Hawaii in November of 1995.
The individual cells within an MCS can be any of the basic storm types mentioned earlier, depending on the environmental characteristics. In addition to the severe weather produced by any particular cell within the MCS, these systems can generate large areas of heavy rain and/or high winds. Large swaths of damaging surface winds are a particular concern with bow echoes. One indicator of strong winds and severe turbulence with MCSs is a shelf cloud. They are often found on the leading edge of an MCS and may extend more than 100 km in length.
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MCSs may evolve from an isolated cell or small group of cells or may be triggered as a large linear convective system from the onset, such as a squall line along or ahead of a cold front or along a dryline. This animation shows storms initiating just east of a dryline near Amarillo, Texas. The storms quickly create a squall line MCS.
Mesoscale convective systems appear in many forms, ranging from a relatively disorganized mass of convective cells to a highly organized convective line. This page shows just some of the many types of convective systems that make up this spectrum.
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Just as the structure and evolution of isolated convection depend on the buoyancy and vertical wind shear regime in which they are embedded, MCS properties also depend on the characteristics of the buoyancy and shear profiles. In this module we examine how the strength and the degree of organization of an MCS increase with higher magnitudes of ambient vertical wind shear. We will see that the surface cold pool functions as the most significant unifying force among individual cells, resulting in MCS formation. The evolution of MCSs is heavily controlled by the interaction between the system’s mesohigh cold pool and the low-level vertical wind shear. Since MCSs often last for three hours or more, the Coriolis effect also has a significant impact on system evolution.
It is very important to note that in this module, our discussions of the role of shear and the surface cold pool apply to boundary layer-based MCSs, not elevated convective systems. Elevated convection is discussed later in this module in the section on Mesoscale Convective Complexes (or MCCs).
The _______________ functions as the most significant unifying force among individual cells.
Radar Example A:
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Radar Example B:
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Radar Example C:
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The most general term for a group of thunderstorms that join together is:
1. The correct answer is "cold pool."
2. Expert Answer: Radar loops A and C indicate MCS variations in different stages of evolution. Radar loop B shows scattered airmass thunderstorms over Utah on a summer afternoon. Although some of these cells have joined into short lines or clusters, they have not become organized along a common leading edge and do not yet share a common cold pool. You will learn more about identifying MCS characteristics in later sections of this module.
3. The correct response is D - all of the above.
4. The correct answer is B. The most general term for describing groups of thunderstorms that join together into larger systems is "mesoscale convective system." A mesoscale convective complex is a very specific type of MCS historically identified by a very large cold cloud top on IR satellite imagery that lasts for a certain duration. Mesoscale convective complexes will be discussed in more detail later.
End of Section 2: Introduction