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The following people have contributed to the development of
Severe Convection II: Mesoscale Convective Systems

Much of the material in Severe Convection II: Mesoscale Convective Systems has been adapted from content that was originally developed by Dr. Morris Weisman and Ron Przybylinski for the Mesoscale Convective Systems: Squall Lines and Bow Echoes Web module released by the COMET Program in 1999.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Weather Service (NWS)
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (NMOC)
Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA)
National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS)
National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)
Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)

Principal Science Advisors
CDR J. Berdeguez - Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
     Professional Development Center (NAVMETOCPRODEVCEN)
Staff at HQ AFWA/DNT 28th OWS Training Flight - Shaw AFB
Thomas Lee - Naval Research Laboratory - Monterey
Dr. Wendell Nuss - Naval Postgraduate School
Brian Klimowski - NOAA

Project Lead / Instructional Design / Multimedia Authoring
Lon Goldstein - UCAR/COMET

Project Lead Meteorologist
Wendy Schreiber-Abshire - UCAR/COMET

Project Meteorologist
Tom Dulong - UCAR/COMET

Graphic Interface Design/Illustration/Multimedia Authoring
Heidi Godsil - UCAR/COMET

Illustration/Multimedia Authoring
Steve Deyo - UCAR/COMET

Audio Editing/Audio Production
Seth Lamos - UCAR/COMET

Audio Narration
Tia Marlier
Matt Kelsch - UCAR/COMET
Kevin Fuell - UCAR/COMET
Dolores Kiessling - UCAR/COMET

Scenario Photo Models
Dolores Kiessling - Technical Sergeant Melanie Simpson
Dr. Richard Koehler - Colonel Johnson
Derek Parks - Master Sergeant Jack Slade

Software Testing/Editing/Quality Assurance
Michael Smith - UCAR/COMET
Linda Korsgaard - UCAR/COMET

Copyright Administration
Lorrie Fyffe - UCAR/COMET

Additional Data and Images Provided by
HQ AFWA/DNX, Air & Space Sciences Directorate
OAR/ERL/National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL)
Ron Przybylinski - NOAA
U.S. Dept. of Defense


Dr. Timothy Spangler

Deputy Director
Dr. Joe Lamos

Meteorologist Resources Group Head
Dr. Greg Byrd

Business Manager / Supervisor of Administration
Elizabeth Lessard

Lorrie Fyffe
Heather Hollingsworth
Linda Korsgaard
Bonnie Slagel

Graphics / Media Production
Steve Deyo
Heidi Godsil
Seth Lamos
Dan Riter

Hardware / Software Support and Programming
Tim Alberta (Supervisor)
James Hamm
Karl Hanzel
Andrew Jurey (Student Assistant)
Ken Kim
Mark Mulholland
Carl Whitehurst

Instructional Design
Patrick Parrish (Supervisor)
Dr. Alan Bol
Lon Goldstein
Dr. Vickie Johnson
Bruce Muller
Katherine Olson
Dwight Owens
Dr. Sherwood Wang

Dr. William Bua
Patrick Dills
Kevin Fuell
Patrick Hofmann (Student Assistant)
Dr. Stephen Jascourt
Matthew Kelsch
Dolores Kiessling
Dr. Arlene Laing
Derek Parks (Student Assistant)
Wendy Schreiber-Abshire
Dr. Doug Wesley

Software Testing / Quality Assurance
Michael Smith (Coordinator)
Linda Korsgaard

National Weather Service Forecast Decision Training Branch
Anthony Mostek (NWS Forecast Decision Training Branch [acting] and Satellite Training Leader)
Dr. Richard Koehler (National Hydrologic Science Training Coordinator)
Brian Motta
Dr. Robert Rozumalski (SOO Science and Training Resource [SOO/STRC] Coordinator)
Shannon White (IFPS Training)

Meteorological Service of Canada Visiting Meteorologists
Peter Lewis
Garry Toth

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