Conceptual Model
A mid-level mesocyclone is usable as the defining radar signature for a supercell thunderstorm. The presence of a mid-level mesocyclone indicates small-scale rotation in the vicinity of or inside a storm’s updraft. This rotational flow is associated with the presence of vertical vorticity which has been created through tilting of ambient horizontal vorticity (inherent in environmental vertical shear) by a strong convective updraft and subsequently stretched due to vertically accelerating parcels in the updraft. For a more complete description of these processes, see the Supercell Conceptual Model.
A persistent Mid-level Mesocyclone signature indicates a strong and reasonably steady rotating updraft associated with a supercell. Generally, supercells can produce all four of the severe convective hazards used to define a severe thunderstorm in Australia, with large hail and damaging winds being the most likely to occur. Many studies since the 1970s, including a climatology of US events from 2007, conclude that supercells produce severe weather far more frequently than other morphologies, and also produce more intense severe weather (e.g., Duda & Gallus, 2010).
Although the presence of a mesocyclone is associated with a risk that the parent storm may produce a tornado, recent studies have found a relatively low correlation between midlevel mesocyclone detections and observed tornadoes. Trapp et al. (2005) found that only around 15% of midlevel mesocyclone detections were tornadic. In contrast, early research from the 1970s initially suggested that as many as 50% of radar detected mesocyclones were tornadic.
Essential in the assessment of tornado potential is a consideration of the near-storm environment, particularly the vertical wind shear and relative humidity in the 0–1 km layer (Thompson 2003; Craven and Brooks 2002). Additionally, evidence of a low–level mesocyclone is more relevant for tornado potential than consideration of midlevel mesocyclones.
Determining Thunderstorm Classification
A significant, persistent mid-level mesocyclone is, by definition, part of a supercell. Generally, to help determine or confirm the classification of the thunderstorm you are observing, use the following flow chart to help diagnose which thunderstorm conceptual model you should consider more closely.