Climate change stories are in the news every day. So what's this course all about?
From the whirling of Earth to the combustion chambers of a V-8 engine, a look at what influences Earth's climate. Plus, climate highlights of a few hundred million years of Earth's history.
Warming air and oceans, beetle-ridden trees, and thawing glaciers are sending a message. This unit examines the evidence for change and what we know about its probable cause.
From old-fashioned thermometers to computers running mind-bending mathematical models, this is how we know what's happening now, and what's likely to in the future.
Why a few degrees warming should make us sit up and take notice, and why most of us in the U.S. may see the first effects of climate change in our mailboxes.
Learn about the buzzwords that describe the IPCC scientists' level of certainty about current and future climate changes. Also, a look at what climate scientists really think.
Don't panic, but don't get complacent either. Here's what we as a society and as individuals can do, as well as how climate science is progressing.
Frequently-asked questions about climate change, the IPCC, and more.
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