Science 123
Spring 2014
Time Bomb Summary
Objective analysis of global warming requires quantitative knowledge in three areas
climate sensitivity
the current level of anthropogenic forcings
response time of the climate
Lessons of History
natural millennial climate swings are due to slow variations in the earth`s orbit
- leads to a re-distribution of radiational energy, not a great change in radiational energy
ice age climate swings provide an empirical measure of climate sensitivity
$\frac{\Delta T}{\Delta F} = 0.75 \pm 0.25$ degrees C per watt per meter squared
- more precise and reliable measure because all forcing factors are included
- climate models used to predict future changes exhibit the same climate sensitivity
Current Level of Climate Forcing
the net value of forcings added since 1850 is 1.6 $\pm$ 1.0 watts per meter squared (IPCC report - page 16)
- climate model temperatures using this amount of forcing match observed temperatures over the past several decades
- observed heat gained by the world ocean over the past 50 years is consistent with this level of forcing
If the current earth atmospheric composition does not change further, the earth`s surface will eventually warm another 0.4 to 0.7 degrees C
Dominant Issue: sea-level change and how fast ice sheets can disintegrate.
Once large-scale ice-sheet breakup begins, it will be impractical to stop
Mitigation versus Adaptation
Hansen believes we can, at most, allow another one degree C rise in temperature.
Carbon Dioxide Budget
Stabilizing atmospheric $\mbox{CO}_2$
IPCC Scenarios (page 14)